JA task | Side | Leader | Result description |
JA1.1 Machine-consumable Data Management Plans | EH | Adil Hasan | Work on the eestore service that interfaces to Argos has been done during the project. The service communicates with a variety of registries (re3data, etc) to provide a uniform interface to the registries. The API service is running in Norway (https://eestore.paas2.uninett.no/) and the code is in the EUDAT gitlab (https://gitlab.eudat.eu/dmp/eestore). During the project, as part of JAM1.3 we explored the possibility of interfacing the eestore to the EUDAT DPMT. |
| OA | Georgios Kakaletris | All milestones have been achieved in due time: - JAM1.1: Argos service access is provided to selected collaborations for practicing with DMP (early access point : https://opendmp.eu/ , at M18)
- JAM1.2: The service is provided under OpenAIRE namespace as Argos accompanied by relevant information on policies and provisioning (https://argos.openaire.eu/ ) (since M24)
- JAM1.3: Argos pushes DMPs onto Zenodo under a dual security model (user and service oriented). The operation will further evolve as maDMP model prevails (since M28)
- JAM1.4: Argos is under OpenAIRE catalog of services and listed in EOSC-hub marketplace (since M34)
Results were presented in several occasions and to various audiences, including RDA maDMP sessions and events. The interaction with the RDA helped to drive updates to the RDA schema resulting in the latest version of the schema. Going beyond original objectives, work progresses further in the area of maDMP - OpenAIRE Research Graph alignment. |
JA1.2 Interoperability across EOSC services for Open Science | EH | Giacinto Donvito |
| OA | Paolo Manghi | All tasks have been accomplished, with the exception of: - JAM1.7 Proposal of a framework to describe and identify Scientific Communities: attempts to create an RDA IG on this topic, but was not strictly related with Research Data; the activity has been recognized as relevant in the EOSC architecture WG discussions and will be included as a Task Force of the EOSC interoperability framework in 2021.
- JAM1.11 Integration of EGI DataHub into the OpenAIRE Graph and Research Community Dashboard:
- JAM1.12 Integration of EOSC-Hub Service Catalogue into the OpenAIRE Graph and Research Community Dashboard: The EOSC catalogue has been under development, with considerable updates of the internal data model; compliancy to the OpenAIRE guidelines will be realized in 2021 as part of the EOSC developments.
JA1.3 Towards Open Science-oriented Scientific Impact | EH | Adrian Coveney |
| OA | Andreas Czerniak | - An own instance of Matomo was discussed on EUDAT side in the last months and agreed to implement+deploy it. Base on this agreement, the proposal of exchange of usage events from B2Share would be based on the Matomo protocol instead of SUSHIlite reports. The roadmap for the deployment of the Matomo instance is December 2020.
- OpenAIRE Analytics system is prepared to handle those usage events and will take care of the preparation.
- JAM1.14 Definition of guidelines for measuring and the exchange of usage statistics could be finalized after the next meeting
- JAM1.15 Pilot with usage of the new guidelines to measure usage statistics in EOSC-hub and OpenAIRE services could be finalized begin of next year
- JAM1.16 Adapt EOSC and OpenAIRE service for measuring and exchanging usage statistics in OpenAIRE Usage Stats service, to achieve the adaption to EOSC will be a point to discuss.
JA1.4.A AAI Integration | EH | Nicolas Liampotis |
| OA | Antonis Lempesis |
JA1.4.B Annotation | EH | Yann Le Franc |
| OA | Katerina Iatropoulou |
JA1.4.C Anonymisation of sensitive data | EH | Francesca Iozzi |
| OA | Terrovitis Manolis |
JA2.1 Communications | EH | Dimple Sokartara |
| OA | Ilaria Fava | JAM2.4 Second report on communications activities A few dissemination pieces in the pipeline that will be released in the coming weeks |
JA2.2 Common Support and Training | EH | Giuseppe La Rocca | Integrating inputs from DANS-KNAW. Collecting inputs from OpenAIRE-Advance in progress JA2.7 - Second Summary Report of joint events |
| OA | Pedro Miguel Oliveira Bento Príncipe |
JA2.3 Events | EH | Rob Carrillo | A number of events were held during the period - EOSC Coordination day: Jam session (9-10 Sept 2019): we had dissemination materials there and reps from both projects participated - Open Science FAIR: Joint workshop A Journey to EOSC: National Initiatives- Services for FAIR Data – 3rd Workshop (16-18 Sept 2019) - EOSC event @ RDA (22 Oct 2019 / Helsinki): we had dissemination materials there and reps from both projects participated - EOSC Symposium (26-29 Nov 2019 / Budapest): there were joint sessions - Realising the EOSC Confernce & EXPO (16-19 nov): joint booth - An Innovation Management webinar (8 December) - planning in progress
| OA | Ilaria Fava |
JA3.1 Cross-project Governance | EH | Tiziana Ferrari |
| OA | Natalia Manola |
JA3.2 Strategy | EH | Tiina Kupila-Rantala | White Paper produced in collaboration of EOSChub WP2 and OpenAire. The paper outlines a common vision for EOSC, service provision, and role in EOSC governance, as defined in the Joint Activity Plan of the two EC projects EOSC-Hub and OpenAIRE-Advance (April 2018). The date of submission was 31 March 2019. |
| OA | Wolfram Horstmann |